The Coastal Resilience & Adaptation Ecosystem
A Supercharged Innovation Ecosystem
This GO Virginia-funded economic initiative creates a Coastal Resilience and Adaptation Ecosystem in Virginia’s Middle Peninsula region, functioning as a living laboratory and support system for developing technologies designed to protect coastal communities. The project is focused on establishing public-private partnerships between businesses and state universities to design and test resilience solutions under real-world conditions on a network of donated, publicly-owned coastal properties managed by the Middle Peninsula • Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority.
How Does it Work?
- Businesses are selected through a challenge competition hosted by RISE Resilience Innovations.
- Winning projects are then matched to university partners through a competitive process administered by Virginia Sea Grant.
- The business and university teams work together to find a suitable test site within the Middle Peninsula • Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority’s portfolio of available properties and begin the process of testing their resilience design technologies.
- Local companies are subcontracted to provide services to assist with installation and site preparation.
- Business and university teams have two years of funding and support from the project partners to complete their work.
Research at the Land's End Field Station
Meet the Innovators
University Partners